Google Search Console

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When a software developer hears the word 'bugs,' it's usually concerning because it indicates that a part of their code has resulted in an unexpected and unwanted outcome in the application they are building. However, the term "bugs," especially those that crawl, can be utilized to provide feedback to a website owner. Initially, I was confused. As it turns out, they aren't literal insects; they're something called internet crawlers! These can easily be configured using Google Search Console on Google Search Console.

Essentially, Google Search Console reports on traffic, performance, and even provides feedback regarding visual issues. I recall it flagging that this website looked buggy when viewed on mobile devices. This feedback was valuable because I am the primary quality assurance tester for this site (occasionally enlisting the help of friends!). Most importantly, what I appreciated the most was how it helped me improve my website's rankings when someone searches for it on Google. Since my name is already quite common, it was frustrating that whenever someone searched for it, someone else's website would often appear instead.

Going back, Google Search Console provides a report on the URL of your website. It's very important that you set your meta tags properly when you make your website because it's where the crawlers go so they can give you better insights!


There's nothing more fulfilling than seeing your website at the top of the search results. However, it's important to note that regularly updating your website helps these crawlers do their job better. When there's new content, these crawlers can showcase your website more effectively, as there are new elements to evaluate. Additionally, the traffic generated by website visitors is equally important.

To sum it up, keeping your website current not only boosts its visibility on search engines but also improves user satisfaction. By staying on top of updates and listening to feedback through tools like Google Search Console, you can continually enhance your website's performance and ensure its success online.

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash